2012 Nationals Lineup, Sort Of (via Anthony DeBarros) |
Search String:
NAME: ([-\.\w ]*)POS: ([A-Z]{2}) AGE: (\d+) WT: (\d+) BORN: ([\w. ]+), ([A-Z]{2}) SALARY: (\d+|N\/A)
A Bunch of Random Phone Numbers | http://regex101.com/r/mB1bF0
Search String
([0-9]{3})[-. )\/]*([0-9]{3})\D*([0-9]{4})
Better Search String
Replace String
\(\1\) \2-\3
http://rubular.com/ and http://regex101.com
Dan Nguyen is awesome. His book https://leanpub.com/bastards-regexes, The Bastards Book of Regular Expressions is probably also awesome.
If you're already pretty good at regular expressions, check out the http://callumacrae.github.io/regex-tuesday/ Tuesday Challenge or https://www.hackerrank.com/categories/miscellaneous/regex Hacker Rank's Challenges. The http://regexcrossword.com RegEx Crosswords are fun, if cryptic.
http://www.rexegg.com/regex-lookarounds.html Lookaheads will make your brain hurt a little, but that doesn't mean they aren't worth understanding.
And if you have LibreOffice you can have the cheatsheet. You might also want the little Python script I used to butcher all those phone numbers.