11 March 2015


Read selections from Tufte, Quantitative Display of Information: pages 91-105, 176-190. (available on ereserve, pass is dataviz15).



Work with your partner to storyboard out your Data Driven Story pitch. Use a Bootstrap template and work together to get at least one actual chart or map into the Storyboard. Add your storyboard URL to the assignments document.


Take another pass at charting data you need for one of your current projects. Use Charted, RAW or ChartBuilder, and add it to an HTML Gist, with a title, source and a few lines that give it context and tell the reader what you see in these numbers.

Add your bl.ocks URL to the assignments document.


To Melody Kramer’s newsletter. It isn’t about data or data skills, and you’re free to unsubscribe after two weeks but I want you to at least think about what she’s up to.

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

© Spring 2015 Amanda Hickman