16 October 2014

Post the first draft of your slidshow on Digital Storage (name it “slideshow_draft.html”); Post a map pitch on Digital Storage (name it “map_pitch.html”); Use pivot tables to summarize data.

Slideshow Draft

Take the first pass at organizing your slideshow. Use the Bootstrap carousel to create a slideshow of six to ten different images. Each one should have a caption of 20-100 words.

Every story you produce for our class should include clear source information for any data or images that you did not produce yourself.

You might not get everything perfect. That’s okay. At a bare minimum, however, you should have all your photos and captions visible on an HTML page that is uploaded to Digital Storage. Ideally, you’ll have a working slideshow in place and we can focus together on improving your captions or photos.

Your slideshow draft should be named “slideshow_draft.html.” Send me the URL.

Map Pitch

Your next project is to make a map. Your map can be a map of points or shapes, but should include a clear, thoughtful title and a caption that tells us why we’re looking at this map. Your caption should be between 50 and 150 words.

In your pitch, tell me what you plan to show in your map, both literally and figuratively. What will the viewer see? What will the viewer learn? If you don’t already have the data you need for the map, please tell me how you plan to get it. If you do already have it, include a link to or a description of the data.

Your map pitch should be named “map_pitch.html.” Send me the URL.

Pivot Table

Take another pass at using Excel Pivot Tables to summarize data. Download one week’s worth of 311 call data and summarize the calls for your community board. Bring your handiwork with you to class next week.

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

© Fall 2014 Amanda Hickman