06 November 2014

This week you’re going to build your quiz and pitch a chart.

Assemble your Quiz

Your quiz should include four to six questions with two to four possible answers each. Remember: the point is to challenge your readers while you educate them. It should be fun. The “responses” to right answers should explain why the answer is right. The responses to wrong answers should say something about who else has gotten that question wrong or why it might look like a good answer, even though it isn’t.

Upload your quiz to digital storage as quiz-draft.html and please share your Spreadsheet with me: cunydata@google.com Don’t share it with my J-School address or I won’t be able to access it.

Pitch a Chart

Think about a story that you can tell in a chart.

Your pitch should include …

  • A proposed headline
  • A description of the data you want to work with
  • A note on the status of your research. If you don’t already have the data, be prepared to drop the story and move on to a less awesome second best.

Post your pitch at chart-pitch.html and send me the URL.

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

© Fall 2014 Amanda Hickman