Step One: get organized. You’re going to need a few windows open. You might want to close other windows so you can focus.
- the Highcharts Demo page in a browser (we’ll start with a basic line chart)
- our sample data on Bronx graduation rates in a text editor or spreadsheet program
- your text editor (if you don’t have one, try Sublime or Text Wrangler, or if you’re feeling fancy and want free and open source software, try Emacs or Vim)
Mr Data Converter in a browser
- Our HighCharts template is super helpful
Troubleshooting Highcharts
Many of you have figured out that you can embed a JSFiddle. But … embedding Fiddles is fiddly. Instead of learnning how to do that, let’s stick to learning how to put a chart on our own page.
- Did you place a
on the page where you want the chart to appear? - Does your
have a descriptive, one word id?id="container"
is not"time_to_leak"
is. - Is your Highcharts Function looking for the right id?
$(function () {$('#oscar_night').highcharts({
is looking for a div withid="oscar_night"
- Is your jquery call above your function?
- Is your highcharts call below your function?